Autumn 秋 Gradually, sound of cicadas become less and less Autumn, with rays of niceness and cool, coming golden rice and wheat standing in the harvestable wheat field and harvest of full moon hang up on top of trees in the dusk, trees cover with ripe fruit around vine grows around tower and platform soft moonlight floating over it as a symbol of purple crystal yeah, it must be sweet at the harvest time 蝉声渐渐淡了 秋 携着丝丝清馨凉爽 降临人间 金黄的麦稻 站在 备收的秋田里 收获的满月挂在 高高的树梢 暮色里 圆熟的果实 坠满树巅 葡萄藤蔓漫满楼台 柔和的月辉飘洒 在葡藤结上了 紫色的水晶 呵 丰收了 紫水晶一定很甜 Autumn, with many sheep float in the air as many cloud boats full of yearning interest, through over the clear and fine sky sail to those golden woods and silent grassland for greeting the pleasure of autumn 秋 带着朵朵“绵羊”化成的轻舟 满载向往的情趣 越过天朗气清的苍穹 驶向那金黄的树林 驶向那寂静的原野 去迎接秋意的畅快 with trace of years, on tortuous stone pathway lying golden fallen leaves and rays of star yellow, quietly, flowers of bay-trees, spread its fragrance on serene lane floating fallen lotus mixture with breath of earth at both side of lotus pool stands many maples drop down their uneven and spotted figure along smooth pathway of still stone rays of thin and sweet smell rush into nose without admit are those wonderful symbol of autumn? are those condensed epitome of true color? the wind whispering those withering fallen leaves, where would it be? skyline or the end of ocean? would there be any post in middle way? 携着岁月的迹痕 在曲折的石子路上 铺满金色的落叶和星黄——桂花 悄然 香满幽径 飘零的落荷 满溢泥土的气息 荷塘两旁的枫林 落下参差斑驳的树影 沿着光滑的石子幽径 一缕缕淡淡的 沁人心脾的馨香溢满鼻孔 那是秋天奇美的象征么? 那是原色凝结的缩影么? 秋风飒飒 那飘零的落叶 要到哪里? 到天涯? 还是去海角? 可曾有过 中途休憩的驿站? Autumn full of natural charm for people sweet fragrance waving in the air making depression of soul be away, since autumn is just like a wind chime wobbles on eaves with tone of miss, how many hearts would get moved autumn is also as a poetry song singing in spray with meaningful words, how much sweet or sadness would be spread 秋 蕴满造化的意韵 飘溢的馥郁香气 将心灵的消沉封锁 因为 秋 是悬在檐牙的风铃铛 送来缕缕思语 牵动多少人的心扉 秋 是浪里吟唱的歌诗 涌来丝丝隽言 溢出几许物的芳菲 Chime wafting in wind, with a sudden glance fall is still charming, since It's a harvest season since, she would get the heat away and comfort sleeping soul of people. 铃铛随风飘荡 蓦然回首 秋天也美丽 因为 她是丰收的季节 因为 她将洗去夏天的炎热 荡涤人们沉睡的心灵 原载 Autumn 回忆